Rapports de recherche


  1. Roland Groz, Keqin Li, Alexandre Petrenko. Verification of Modular Systems with Unknown Components Combining Testing and Inference. Research Report LIG, No 28, 2013. details pdf
  2. Azzeddine Amiar, Mickaël Delahaye, Yliès Falcone, Lydie du Bousquet. CoMET: Compressing Microcontroller Execution Traces to Assist System Understanding. Research Report LIG, No 31, Février 2013. details pdf


  1. A. Bauer, Y. Falcone. Decentralised LTL Monitoring. RR CoRR, 2012. details download


  1. Lydie du Bousquet. Mutation analysis to evaluate Lustre program specifications in the context of model-checking. Research Report LIG, 2010. details pdf
  2. Muhammad Rabee Shaheen, Lydie du Bousquet. Survey of source code metrics for evaluating testability of object oriented systems. Research Report LIG, 2010. details pdf


  1. H. Ruís Barradas, D. Bert. A Fixpoint Semantics of Event Systems with and without Fairness Assumptions. Rapport de Recherche LSR, Décembre 2005. details download
  2. D. Duval, J.-C. Reynaud. Diagrammatic logic and effects: the example of exceptions. Rapport de Recherche LSR, Février 2005. details
  3. H. Ruíz Barradas, D. Bert. Proof obligations for specification and refinement of liveness properties under weak fairness. Rapport de Recherche LSR, Février 2005. details


  1. Catherine Oriat. Jartege: A Tool for Random Generation of Unit Tests for Java Classes. RR LSR-IMAG, No 1069, Juin 2004. details pdf


  1. D. Duval, C. Lair, C. Oriat, J.C. Reynaud. A zooming process for specifications with an application to exceptions. RR IMAG-LMC, No 1055, 2003. details pdf


  1. L. du Bousquet, N. Zuanon. Validation incrémentale de spécifications de services. Rapport de recherche Rapport d'avancement du contrat CNET/CNRS/UJF 95 7B 043, LSR-IMAG, Novembre 1997. details


  1. S. Antoy, R. Echahed, M. Hanus. A Parallel Narrowing Strategy. Technical Report 96-1 Portland State University, 1996. details
  2. P. Jacquet, Y. Ledru, X. Nicollin, M.-L. Potet. Catalogue de l'exposition logiciels critiques. Rapport de recherche IMAG, 1996. details
  3. I. Parissis, N. Zuanon. Validation incrémentale de spécifications de services. Rapport de recherche Rapport d'avancement du contrat CNET/CNRS/UJF 95 7B 043, LSR-IMAG, Novembre 1996. details
  4. Didier Bert. Projet IMAG SCOP ``Spécification et COnstruction de Programmes'' Bilan 1990-1996. RR 959-I, Laboratoire LSR-IMAG, Grenoble, Septembre 1996. details
  5. Catherine Oriat. Modular specifications: constructions with finite colimits, diagrams, isomorphisms. RR 964-I-LSR-3, Laboratoire LSR-IMAG, Septembre 1996. details


  1. D. Avrilionis, P.Y. Cunin. The compatibility problem of process evolution and process model evolution. Rapport de recherche IMAG - Laboratoire de Génie Informatique, 1995. details
  2. Didier Bert, Rachid Echahed. Abstraction of conditional term rewriting systems. Rapport de recherche IMAG-LGI, 1995. details
  3. Didier Bert, Rachid Echahed. Multiparadigm logic programming: the case of the language LPG. Rapport de recherche IMAG-LGI, 1995. details
  4. Y. Ledru. An introduction to Z and formal methods. Rapport de recherche Université Joseph Fourier - UFR Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, 1995. details

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