Toolset download and configuration

ParTraP-IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

  1. We recommend to use Eclipse Oxygen or later with framework XText installed from : "" (Choose "Download" then "Download Eclipse" then under "Download Packages", and finally " Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers ". Unzip and click on "eclipse.exe").
  2. You can also choose to install Eclipse DSL from the starting menu when installing Eclipse

  3. Download ParTraP-IDE as a site in the "install New software" (Eclipse Help menu) from this link "" . (Note that the video illustrates an older version of the tool.) The latest version is 2.3 available under "ParTraP>ParTraP Toolset".

ParTraP-EG (examples generator)

  1. Install Jep (see Jep Installation Guide below)
  2. Install Eclipse Acceleo from ""
  3. Install Microsoft Z3 solver from "" (We recommend the version z3-4.6.0)
  4. Download ParTraP-EG Tool as a site in the "install New software" from this link ""

Toolset sources

ParTraP-IDE and the ParTraP haskell interpreter are available as LGPLv3 open source projects at the following URLs: